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Acupuncture with moxibustion

Acupuncture after fire cupping

Acupuncture is done using very thin, sterile needles to stimulate acupuncture points along the meridians of the body. The treatment plan is created by talking about symptoms, as well as tongue and pulse analysis. All these are clues to deduce what is imbalanced in the body.


Points are chosen along the meridians, and needled carefully. They may be placed pretty much anywhere. Arms, legs, abdomen, back, head, face, or even the ear! You may feel a small pinch as the needles go in, but then they should be quite comfortable once they are in. Many patients fall asleep during or after needle application! 


The needles are seen as an attack, and they trigger immune, and healing responses to come to the area. When these responses arrive to the area and find only a sterile needle, they get to work on any blockages in the area. This invigorates the Qi and Blood flow, and helps to restore proper function.


Acupuncture is a whole body balancing system, so it can treat a wide variety of symptoms. Rather than treating a specific condition, like headaches, the root cause of the headaches is determined, and then treated. Headaches could be caused by any number of things. So, after discussion of symptoms, and tongue and pulse analysis, a diagnosis is made, and I get to work on a treatment plan. Acupuncture can treat things like headaches, nausea, heartburn, night sweats, joint pain, fatigue, back pain, sleep troubles, digestive troubles, menstrual irregularities, premenstrual symptoms, tinnitus, swelling, numbness, and can even help boost fertility! Often, there are multiple symptoms that correspond to a particular organ imbalance, and they can all be treated at once!


Acupuncture can be done in combination with fire cupping, or moxibustion depending on symptoms. Typically fire cupping is added to release tense back muscles. There is more information about this treatment under the "Fire Cupping" tab. Moxibustion is dried mugwort that is placed on the end of the needle and lit on fire. This sends heat deep into the body. This is used for many ailments, such as, swelling, fatigue, sluggish digestion, coldness, and pain. 


Typically 5-10 weekly sessions are needed for best results, but all bodies react differently. More chronic problems take longer to treat, and acute issues respond quicker to treatment. I also give suggestions for small lifestyle changes after your treatment which will help to speed up the progress! Book a session to try it out!

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